ESG ETF trends

There is a difference between what people say and what they do. Companies are realising the importance of actions speaking louder than words and are beginning to focus on changing behaviours not just the “Values” statement on their website. Investments are no different as can be seen in our analysis today. Investment in companies with strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) mandates are already being grouped together by ETF issuers to facilitate easier investment in ready-made portfolios of socially responsible companies.

Is anyone else worried about this?

As a trailer for our forthcoming Q2 2021 survey of European equity market microstructure, we thought you might like a sneak peek at what’s been happening to fragmentation. Following Brexit and the divergence of dark trading rules, we have been monitoring the trend in the UK. The graph below shows the UK250 index where on-order book ‘lit continuous’ trading has reached a 5-year low in terms of the daily market share traded in June at just 28.5%, while auction market share is a whisker under the previous record high in December at 22.7%. Meanwhile, dark trading has risen to over 12% from 9% prior to October 2020.

When is a Block not a Block?

In the search for liquidity, particularly whilst minimising market impact, a means to identify large trades and where they take place is key for the investing community. The regulatory changes in MiFIDII introduced the concept of Large In Scale (LIS). No, not not a post-Brexit way to limit fishing quotas, rather a means to identify large transactions in financial instruments. In the equity landscape this has resulted in some confusion post-Brexit. Depending on the activity in each individual stock, an LIS threshold was set, above which the trade could be classed as a block trade. As Broker Crossing Networks were abolished at the same time, this LIS threshold was applied as one of the permissible justifications of many venues supporting dark trading.

Happy to surf the waves or curious to know what lies beneath?

Navigating the choppy waters of ETF liquidity is challenging and requires visibility of all available trade mechanisms. The chart below looks at the European ETF universe however the picture changes

Wales to introduce independent stock exchange

Academics from Brains Trust predict market launch will quench investors’ thirst for trading to stay local. (Special note: this was an April Fool’s Day post) Flushed with success from the Six Nations Championship a new stock market is being proposed for Welsh investment in Welsh companies. Behind the initiative is the recently formed Welsh Industrial National Development group for Under Performance. Passive funds will be able to track the Taff Index made up of Strong Companies Repositioning for Upward Movement following the top 15 constituents from a total squad of 23.

Swiss movement – the pendulum swings

Those of you who keep a close eye on market microstructure will be well aware of a dress rehearsal for “non equivalence” in July 2018 when all Swiss trading was banned on competing venues. Overnight the primary SIX exchange was responsible for 98.8% of turnover in the top 20 Swiss equities (two dual listed stocks ABB Ltd and Lafarge Holcim Ltd were exceptions). Before this the primary had around 70% of market share. This was fairly typical for the primary/MTF split for Lit and Dark volumes as competition evolved post-MiFID regulatory changes.

MTF migration to EU venues… what happened after Brexit?

There was always bound to be some post Brexit ‘fallout’. Unsurprisingly there was plenty of market commentary last week, however we wanted to wait for the dust to settle before we made any of our own observations. You will find it reassuring to know that your suspicions are correct. We can confirm that turnover on Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) shifted to EU venues as investors in EU stocks followed the expected migratory route. If a European alternative existed, the flow migrated there, away from the UK entity (*see the outlier in the footnote below).

12 Days of Trading – Day 12 of 12: Santa sees everything… can you?

As our 12 Days of Trading campaign 2020 draws to a close, we know you like a festive finale. A global view of equity data allows us to zoom in on specific regions or individual markets. So, just like Santa, you can see everything. In another demonstration of how smart analytics can be powered by a global vault of data, we switched on the lights for the top 30 Nasdaq stocks since the beginning of September. This year’s Christmas tree is constructed with Nasdaq analytical branches.

12 Days of Trading – Day 10 of 12: I’m always touched by your presence, Elon

There may be several arguments about inclusion rules and timing and certainly when a stock with a Price /Earnings ratio of 1260 joins an index where the average P/E is 36 it is likely to cause waves rather than ripples. We knew it was going to be big…but this exceeded expectations. For a stock that trades huge volumes anyway the Tesla volumes on Friday were staggering. We can see on our first chart that $200bn traded on that one day. To put that in context, the biggest day in Europe since MiFIDII across ALL stocks was €132bn.

12 Days of Trading – Day 8 of 12: Well this is a nice surprise… look what we’ve discovered!

Having a team of super smart data scientists who use a consistent methodology on a well curated data set can bring enormous benefits when exploring new ideas. The deployment of new business logic to discover fresh insights can be applied historically as well as going forwards. This provides immediate context for those impatient to see if a trend is present.
