big xyt

• XYT View

xyt View
xyt view provides members of the investment community with a consolidated view on the fragmented European equity market landscape.

We recognise that the community often needs a quick and easy view of fragmented liquidity. when navigating the complexities of European equity markets. In response to market demand, we have leveraged the sophisticated views and metrics available to clients of our award winning Liquidity Cockpit to provide a free service to the market – xyt View, the consolidated view on European market fragmentation and trading.

xyt View is designed to give trading and investment firms easy access to key market liquidity statistics. Users immediately gain enhanced visibility over dark and lit liquidity, total volumes traded, and trends developing across trading categories.

Users can select different views within a range of dashboards (focussing on liquidity) that provide statistics, highlight trends and observe individual stock profiles.

These views illustrate just some of the capabilities within the Liquidity Cockpit and provide an introduction to new users as well as a reminder to existing clients about the depth and range of independent analysis that is available.

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Observe changing market volumes over time.


Compare and contrast activity across venues and mechanisms.


Discover more detail by drilling down into the liquidity profiles of individual instruments.


xyt view is an invaluable asset to heads of trading and their teams, for both buy-side and sell-side firms as well as trading venues.