big xyt shortlisted in the FStech Awards 2023

We’re pleased to announce that our partnership with the JSE to deliver an innovative new analytics service through a unique white-label solution for use directly by the exchange’s trading participants has been shortlisted in the FStech Awards 2023 for the Best Use of Data & Analytics.

big xyt wins Outstanding Market Data Provider award at The Trade’s Leaders in Trading Awards

We’re delighted to announce that big xyt has won The TRADE’s Leaders in Trading award for Outstanding Market Data Provider.

big xyt appoints Anthony Huck as Head of the Americas

New York, September 21, 2022: big xyt, the independent provider of smart data and analytic solutions, has announced Anthony (Tony) Huck has joined their global executive team as Head of the Americas.

big xyt to lead the discussions on data analytics for optimal execution at The Finance Hive Equities London event

We’re really looking forward to taking part in The Finance Hive Equities London Members Live Meeting next Wednesday 25 May. We’ll be leading the roundtable discussion ‘Leveraging the latest advancements in data analysis and analytics for optimal execution’.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange launches innovative new equity market data analytics platform in collaboration with big xyt

JSE is first to market with online trading analytics for listed shares and ETFs, ready-made for daily use by traders, sales traders and senior business management London and Johannesburg big xyt, the independent provider of smart data and analytics solutions to the global trading and investment community, is pleased to announce that the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), the largest stock exchange in Africa, has deployed an innovative new information service leveraging big xyt’s Liquidity Cockpit for security analytics.

big xyt is a proud sponsor of TradeTech Europe 2022

big xyt is a proud sponsor of TradeTech Europe 2022 on 11-12 May. Don’t miss Mark Montgomery’s panel alongside Vanguard Asset Management, Norges Bank Investment Management and Capital Group to learn about the advancements in enhanced execution analytics.

Cowen Execution Services selects big xyt to support continued growth in European equities trading

Provides independent agency broker with improved market structure visibility and supports clients’ access to unique liquidity opportunities big xyt, the independent provider of smart data and execution analytics solutions to the global trading and investment community, has been selected by Cowen Execution Services Limited (CESL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Cowen Inc. (NASDAQ:COWN), to further strengthen Cowen’s European equities trading platform and help identify unique liquidity opportunities for its clients.

European Equities Market Microstructure Survey Q1 2022

Trading turnover in European equities posted a new MiFID II era record in Q1, 34% higher than the four year average, as investors reacted to the cocktail of inflationary fears and war. Back in Q1 2020 it felt like we were watching a truly exceptional event but despite lower volatility, the markets managed to deliver something even more unpredictable. Please have a read of our latest European market microstructure and let us know your thoughts or ideas for any further investigations.

big xyt wins Best TCA Tool in A-Team’s TradingTech Insight Awards Europe 2022

We’re delighted to announce that big xyt has won the A-Team TradingTech Insight 2022 Award Europe for the Best Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Tool, for the second year running. Independence and accuracy, combined with the transparency we provide on the underlying data, is at the core of our Open TCA offering for execution analytics. This is seen as essential by our clients to improve workflows and optimise trading strategies.

Sustainable Trading launches non-profit membership network to drive ESG change across financial markets

big xyt is delighted to be a founding member of the Sustainable Trading initiative and we look forward to collaborating with its members. 30 founding members from asset management, banking and brokerage, market making, exchanges, technology and service providers have joined the initiative.
