Daily Liquidity

big xyt presents the Daily Liquidity Highlights

The trades you may have been involved in, yesterday.

At big xyt, our clients repeatedly tell us that trading is all about liquidity. Which stocks are seeing increased activity and where is that activity occurring? With that in mind, we have introduced the big xyt Daily Liquidity Highlights update direct to your inbox, which highlights stocks with the greatest positive delta comparing volumes yesterday to the six month average.

Initially, we’ll be presenting activity on Dark venues and showing views across stocks in Europe along with UK Blue Chips.

Future views could highlight volume at the Close, SI volumes and negotiated trade volumes, however, we like to serve content that our clients find valuable. Therefore, we appreciate your feedback – please let us know if you like the format and the content, and anything else you’d like to see.

As always, you can dive deeper using the Liquidity Cockpit.

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The daily highlights table captures a list of stocks ranked by their aggregated volume traded on dark venues on the previous day compared to the 6 month ADVT on those venues.

The pages allow you to see the results across different index groupings.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the methodology, the results, or if you have suggestions for further enhancements. Feedback from the community is highly valued and enables us to continue to provide new insights for the community.

*Subscription to this list requires opt-in. Please check your junk mail if you do not see the confirm subscription email. If you haven’t received an email, please contact [email protected].

Our flagship product, the Liquidity Cockpit, provides an independent, consolidated view of trading activity to reflect the ongoing changes of market structure.


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